
The Old Gone Mega Server

This project is important to me because it was one of my first major projects I had done, back in sixth grade. It tied a lot of things I was learning at the time together. I was playing around with PHP, and I wanted to make an application that had accounts where you could login. I don’t think I was completely sure what to do past that at that time, but one step at a time is probably what I was thinking. The server was my MacBook Pro running Ubuntu Server . The project was hosting many services at once. I remember making it into a IRC chat server, a proxy server, maybe a FTP server, and other random services. The web part of this kept accounts on a MySQL database, though I didn’t hash passwords, which is something I should have done. It got to the point where I asked my dad to pay $10 extra for a static IP so I don’t have to keep messing with my DNS settings of my domain for when my IP changes.

Zane F. Salti

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